Thursday, August 25, 2011


Well! Here I've been at Snow for six days and I haven't even posted in my Snow College blog yet! But, in my defense, things have been rather busy. I moved into my new dorm on Saturday August 20. It was super nerve wrecking. I spent most of the day in abject terror. My dad made me talk to everyone we had to talk to: for the first time in my life he didn't do my talking for me. I guess I understand why, seeing as now I don't have him around at all, so I have to do it all myself anyway, but it didn't help my fragile emotional state.

The worst part of Saturday was saying goodbye to my dad. I love him so much, and after he was gone I didn't have anyone. I closed myself up in my dorm room (which I have all to myself) and unpacked. I didn't cry. I didn't even really feel the need to cry. But I did need to be alone. I unpacked and listened to the sound of my room mates and their families talk and chat and what not. Or at least, I did until I put my earbuds in my ears and shut out even that part of the world around me.

But, despite how horrible that part was, the rest of the last six days has been pretty awesome. I have amazing room mates who are so much fun to talk to! We all get along great, and so far we're doing an awesome job of keeping the dorm clean. I've been more social in the last six days then I have been in the last six months! The college has thrown some kind of get together every night since I've been here, except for Sunday (of course). Saturday night the Institute threw a dance, Monday night there was a Mix and Mingle. Tuesday they had a movie night (Thor, if you were wondering), and last night there was a Hoe Down thrown by some kind of country dance club. The only one I missed was the movie, because I was in desperate need of some alone time! Instead I stayed home and worked on my latest cross stitch, which already looks beyond amazing.

My classes are so much fun. I have Political Science with Professor Kerry D. Hansen, who could not be more like Mr. Meikle (my government teacher last year) if he tried. He's balding, loves the government, and likes to tell jokes. And I've only had one class with him. Every day I have math with Professor Brian (or maybe Brandon) Hansen (same last name, different teachers). There are two things that I truly hate in this world: Math and yellow. My math classroom is painted yellow. It's sooooo oppressive  in there. But that teacher isn't SO bad. I mean, I don't really like him, but I've never really liked a math teacher.

My english teacher, on the other hand, is amazing! I love her to death all ready, and I've only had one class. One class that she let us out early of (maybe that's why I love her).

Anyway, life is going good. I'm tired of typing, so I'm going to read or do homework or something (most likely read) I'll post again when I feel like it :D

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